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Shall all be well?

So I have been reflecting on how many have been quoting Mother Julian’s mantra “all shall be well” to me recently. I have to admit that, in the midst of my own personal troubles and difficulties which are, of course, overshadowed by the national political and financial chaos and the international situation of war, climate

Interview about the Rough Mark performance

I was very pleased to do a short interview on Premier radio about the Rough Mark premiere performance on Friday Oct 14th. The recording is now available here. *  Doors open at 7pm with informal bar available.  Live tickets in advance/at the door £10 (£7.50 concessions), to cover production and performance costs with profits going


I am delighted to announce the première of the first live performance of the whole of the Gospel According to St Mark in a new translation. I have been translating gospel passages for my own prayer reflections since a 35-day silent Jesuit retreat at the home of St Ignatius in Loyola in the Basque country

God Save the Queen – we mean it, man!

As a child, I was brought up to consider the Royal Family a bunch of rich freeloaders living it up at the expense of us taxpayers – and at the Silver Jubilee in 1977 my revision for my Finals at Oxford was accompanied by the dulcet tones of Johnny Rotten, belting out the Sex Pistols’