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Speaking Category: Lectures and Talks


Over the last twelve months, I have been involved in at least three conferences debating the place of the gospels within their first-century setting in the eastern Mediterranean under Roman control and Hellenistic influence – especially with regard to their relationship within and without (in both senses of ‘outside’ and ‘lacking’) the various forms of

The Rough Mark – video

I was delighted to be able to perform the world premiere of the whole of my translation of Mark’s gospel at St Luke’s Church, Holloway on Friday Oct 14th 2022 – and the video recording of the event is now available here on my YouTube channel. Experience this live oral performance like the ancients! With

Wisdom, Spirituality and Community in the University

Richard gave the keynote address at the first Global Conference on Ministry in Higher Education held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, in June 2000. An abbreviated version of the text was published in Theology – read it here. Image: CX Insight/Unsplash

The Warburton Lecture/Sermon, 2019

Richard Burridge · The Warburton Lecture/Sermon 2019 At Lincoln’s Inn on Sunday 23 June 2019, Richard delivered the 2019 Warburton Lecture/Sermon on the theme of ‘You have heard that it was said… but I say to you’. The subtitle was ‘Life, death and the (re)interpretation of scriptural and legal texts in a time of turmoil.’

The Meaning, Value and Sanctity of Human Life

Gresham Lecture, 25 April 2019 Recent advances in medical science have brought complex ethical dilemmas, particularly around the beginning of human lives (abortion, embryo research, IVF, gene therapy, stem cells) and its ending (switching off ventilators, persistent vegetative state (PVS) and ‘dying with dignity’ or assisted suicide). Although none of these topics occurs directly in

Gender, Marriage, Divorce and Human Sexuality

Gresham Lecture, 28 February 2019 Is ‘morality’ principally about sex, or ‘naughty vicars’? Despite Henry VIII, the Church has found divorce difficult, especially for clergy and bishops, let alone ‘equal marriage’ for same-sex couples, the role of women in ordained ministry or transgender issues. This lecture examines the relevant references in the New Testament (which