Book a lecture or study day!
I’m open for business! Now that the pandemic at least permits gatherings and travel again, I am trying to restart my work in going round doing public lectures, and clergy or lay training days or evenings, short courses, etc. The Montgomery Trust can help with fees and payments if there is a dimension of public education about the Christian faith – so I have just updated my profile on their website.
There are four topics listed there: Communion in a pandemic, New Testament Ethics today (Money Sex, Power, Violence, and the Meaning of Life!), Reading the Gospels Today, and What are the Gospels? Check it out – why not organise something for the autumn and apply for a grant assistance? With the Bishops’ Permission to Officiate in Exeter, Southwark and Manchester Dioceses, I am thus trebly(!) accredited for ministry within the Church of England under its provisions for Safeguarding and Disclosure Barring Services. I am therefore available to be booked for speaking and lecturing and training opportunities for clergy and lay people throughout the country – see my blog post about this. Go to my booking page and send me a message if you want to discuss dates or topics. Looking forward to seeing you somewhere soon!