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Speaking Category: Media

Is a Zoom rite a valid form of communion?

The Church Times published my article, Is a Zoom rite a valid form of communion? (PDF) and also a news feature by Madeleine Davies, Communion online is valid, says Burridge (PDF), based on my book, Holy Communion in Contagious Times, in January 2022.

Why are there differences in the Gospels?

Discussion on Unbelievable?, Premier Christian Radio The Unbelievable? show aired on Saturday 17 June 2017 at 2.30pm on Premier Christian Radio and is available to hear here: Why are there differences in the Gospels? Richard and New Testament scholar Mike Licona explore the differences between the same stories, words and timelines in the Gospels of

Vatican Radio interview

In mid-April 2017, the Dean was interviewed by Vatican Radio on the occasion of Pope Emeritus Benedict’s 90th birthday to offer a tribute as a previous Ratzinger Prize winner. Listen to the interview here: Vatican Radio interview Photo by Elias Rovielo

Beyond Belief: Storytelling in Christianity

Richard Burridge · Beyond Belief: Storytelling in Christianity In a special programme recorded at the the Bloxham Festival of Faith & Literature, William Crawley and guests, including Richard, explored the rich history of Judeo-Christian storytelling. How old are some of the most popular and familiar biblical stories, and where did they come from? How important

Church of England Divestment from Thermal Coal and Tar Sands

On Thursday 30 April 2015, the Church Commissioners and the Church of England Pensions Board announced the £12 million divestment from thermal coal and tar sands. To coincide with this, Richard featured in a short film alongside Edward Mason, Head of Responsible Investment at the Church Commissioners, and discussed the new climate change policy from